Not so Obvious Staging Tips

Wednesday Jul 28th, 2021


When it comes to staging your home for sale - which basically means ensuring everything is decluttered, cleaned, and all personal photographs are removed - you probably already know the basics. But there are also some less obvious home staging tips that can help to sell your property faster and for a higher price. Here are a few examples.

The Kitchen


All appliances, countertops, floors, and other surfaces should be spotless.


The contents of your cupboards, drawers, and refrigerator should be wiped down and facing forwards. Make sure to clean out each drawer and shelf and wipe down to remove excess debris or spilt products. Minimize overflowing cupboards to appear spacious.




Bathrooms should be deep cleaned and decluttered. Have fresh towels hanging neatly on the rack. Basically, create the "hotel bathroom" look.


All of your towels should match, preferably white and be stain-free. Close the toilet lid and shower curtain. Clean out, wipe down, and organize your bathroom clutter into drawers or cupboards. Make sure not to store extra items in the bathtub or shower behind the door or curtain as prospective buyers will most likely look in there.


Living Room


Fully clean, vacuum, and dust. Remove extra clutter and personal photographs.


Declutter any collections of books, magazines, DVDs, games, craft supplies, and display some as you would in a magazine spread. Wash your throw pillows and throws and make sure they are free of stains and holes. Plump up your couch cushions, stack a few generic coffee table books, set out some candles, and stage like a set. Pack away everything else. Remove extra chairs and oversized furniture




Make the bed neatly. Check that the closet is organized and uncluttered. If your closet is bulging with clothing and accessories, consider putting some in storage for the time being. Ensure that all tabletops and dressers are free of clutter and cleanly staged. 


Do not leave any clothes out. Even clean clothes folded neatly in a hamper can seem untidy. When making your bed, make sure that your bedding is clean, stain and hole free, and plump up pillow to make your bedroom as appealing and comfortable as possible. 


Kid's Bedroom


Clean out and fully declutter


Arrange stuffed animals, games, books, and other toys like an attractive display in a toy store. It's okay to have a toy, like a race truck, out of the box. Just make sure it's completely put together. A great mental image to keep in mind while cleaning kids rooms is to mimic a display you would see in IKEA.


The key to staging your home is to put yourself in to a potential buyer's shoes. What would you want to see if you were walking into a home with the intention of purchasing it? Create a visual display of what their ideal life would look like living in your home by staging it to look as appealing, clean, tidy, bright, and welcoming as possible. 

Nick Fundytus





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